Tuesday, January 13, 2015


I think it's time to make a confession.
It's not earth-shattering, and I'm not the first one to make it, at all.
It's important I make it though, for myself.

I'm overweight

There, I said it.
It's not that I'm huge, or that I don't love my body like this.
I'm pretty, and I'm awesome, but I'm not the best I can be.
I can be prettier, and I can be even more awesome, and most of all:
I can be healthier.

At this point in time, I'm 71kg. This probably won't sound like that much for a lot of people, but it is for me. I'm only 1m62 after all. I am officially 6kg overweight.
This isn't healthy in the long term, and I know that.
It needs to change, or to be more precise, I need to change.

It's such a simple thing: eat healthy, and exercise enough.
Sounds easy, doesn't it? It isn't.
Let's be upfront about it. Eating healthy and exercising isn't easy.
In the beginning, it isn't even really fun. We try to make it fun as much as we can, but the problem is that there are habits that need to be changed, and that's never fun.

I HAVE to change though, and I want to.
So today I make a pledge. For once, I'll stick with it.
I can fall on my face as much as necessary, but in the long run, I'll get there.

What's there though? You can't get anywhere without goals. So, here they are:
*I will run my first 5K on the 26th of April.
*I will lose 1.5kg by the time March comes around
These goals are just for now, and in the long term, this is where I want to get:
*I want to get to a goal weight of 56kg, although I will be happy with anything under 60kg
*I want to be able to run with my dog, and really tire him out
*I want to be able to be fit enough to be a better paintball player

There you have it, my confession.
It's time I do something about it,
Time to change